關於mark rutte的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
Happy to reconnect with my good friend Dutch Minister-president Mark Rutte over a video call yesterd...
Happy to reconnect with my good friend Dutch Minister-president Mark Rutte over a video call yesterd...
Had a joyous reunion dinner with around 250 overs...
Had a joyous reunion dinner with around 250 overs...
《BBC頭條新聞:不滿政府處理疫情失敗,民眾抗議封鎖,荷蘭進入第三天暴動》(忽冷忽熱主播) 這場示...
#荷蘭 首相呂特(Mark Rutte)15號率領 #內閣總辭,因為一項調查指出,荷蘭的稅務機關過去...
#國際疫情面面觀 荷蘭約8成公民至少接種1劑疫苗,但解封2週後,確診數從單日新增500例飆到9300...
0715紐約時報 *【民主黨呼籲對來自污染國家的進口徵稅】 民主黨人達成共識,要對缺乏積極應對氣候...